Our Latest Book

Embrace the Unseen Beauty

Continue the exploration of life’s fleeting wonders with “Tiny Moments: Vol. II,” the surprise 2024 follow-up to an anthology from 2016. This new collection of literary works by diverse authors delves deeper into the hidden beauty and complexity of everyday moments.


On Amazon US: https://a.co/d/hoUB9eF
On Amazon UK: https://amzn.eu/d/9A7nxFc
On Amazon CA: https://a.co/d/bTLuMDL


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Where verses flutter and collaborators roost, our community thrives on the shared joy of storytelling. In our nest, beautiful literature perches on every sturdy shelf, offering tales as varied as the birds in the sky. Each anthology is a feather in the cap of our contributors, beckoning readers to spread their own wings and explore realms written in ink and wonder. Join our flock, where words still matter and every page chirps with life.

Published Anthologies


Tiny Moments: Vol. II


Tiny Moments

At Bronze Bird Books, we celebrate the power of words to unite, inspire, and transform, forging a community where authors and readers alike can soar to new heights together.

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